Free Burlesque Class!

Live your Ultimate Showgirl Fantasty and learn to strut, pose, kick and sashay like the feather and swarovski drenched dancers of Paris & Las Vegas with Velma Vouloir. You will build your repertoire of burlesque moves, refine your body awareness, lines and extensions, as well as refine your dance technique, poise and character.  Plus, there's a short choreography to top it off!

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Enjoy this class?  We have so much more!

The range of classes at Maison Burlesque expands every week.  We already host over 200 classes.  There's too much to tell you about here but highlights include:

- Burlesque Basics.  A range of classes covering all the most classic burlesque moves : shimmys, bumps and Grinds, tips on how to walk, pose and turn on stage like a showgirl.

-Feather Fan Dancing.  We have full 4 part beginner and Intermediate courses.  Plus skills videos and choreographies to learn.

-Silk Fans.  A full 4 part course to get you started.  Once you have the basics down, we have skills videos and choreographies to expand your skill set.

- Floorwork.  Get started with our 4 part beginner course and then up your skills with  our choreography and skills classes.

- Hair and Makeup.  Learn vintage hair and makeup techniques, or learn a full drag look with Ruby Slippers.  We also feature videos on effects makeup and how to get ready in a hurry for your next show.

- Solo Development and Stage Skills.  Ready to start putting together your own routine?  All our teachers are industry professionals and have share their secrets with tutorials on building character, musicality, how to use the stage etc.

-And there's also our Belly Dance course, Chair Dancing tutorials, Costuming, Fitness & Conditioning and so much more.   Come Join us for a free weeeks trial to see it all!

Free Week Trial!

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