Are you wanting to cancel just for a short period then return? See above for how to put your Maison Burlesque Online membership on pause.
If you do need to cancel, you have the ability to self-cancel your membership from inside the Maison Burlesque Online portal.
1. Log in to your account on the website
2. Click on your avatar in top right hand corner
3. Select Settings from the dropdown.
4. Click Billing Info
5. Follow prompts to cancel*
Please note that if you are one of our VIP Launch Subscribers who signed up at the time of website launch, if you cancel your account and then wish to resubscribe at a later date you will lose your access to the VIP pricing and may wish to consider using our pause feature instead (see above)
*If you are paying via PayPal you will see our company name listed as Yolanda Skye Pty Ltd
PAYPAL NOTE (does not affect people paying with card/stripe):
If your subscription payments are through PayPal, there is a complication whereby if you self-cancel, your access to the platform is instantly revoked. If you wish to cancel but keep access for the current month, please either wait til the end of the billing period to cancel or email us and we can cancel on your behalf to allow the current month access to continue.